An epiphany
Although my father is generally not regarded as a sage, much like a monkey banging on a typewriter he too can knock out Shakespearean prose once in a while. Before I went to China last year, he had just such a moment and stated: "Asian people like the security of knowing someone is in charge so they can just obey and not think too much."
I am not sure about adults, but for kids here in Korea this seems to be perfectly applicable. I am usually pretty loosey-goosey at the hakwon, because the formula student=paying customer is reinforced on a daily basis. Today, liberated in the knowledge that I will only have to squander one more week of my wretched existence at this infernal pit, I decided to be the biggest asshole humanly possible. And you know what? They ate it up "like Schwartz the matzah" to quote a famous and quite deceased Hungarian comedian who managed the hat trick of being a Jewish anti-Semite splendidly.
All wide eyed, a dozen hellspawn focused on me and uttered the greatest compliment a foreign teacher can earn here in Korea. "Teacher mad?" The classes were smooth sailing after that revelation.
So what to do in Ansan? Be the worlds greatest asshole? Or maybe have the resources and support to become an actual educator? Stay tuned.