Vices we love: So this guy gets hit by a car

Saturday, September 10, 2005

So this guy gets hit by a car

The high point of my weekend (besides escaping Iatewon unmolested) was getting hit by a car on the way home. The Korean driving style, which involves painting your nails and chatting on your cell while driving is not an ideal one. My leg is a bit sore. I don't know what it was, but even though the impact was (relatively) minor, it touched off a screaming fit which I'm sure everyone in Gyeonggi-Do province was able to hear loud and clear. Just in case I wasn't being clear to the young lady, I banged on the hood of her car with my fists and my face was somewhere between maroon and purple. And you know what? It felt really good because people are scum and I felt they should know that.


Blogger Ada said...

I wonder what you would have done if the driver had been a guy and he was all, "You are hot miguk!"

8:06 AM  
Blogger asiatown77 said...

Don't even joke about that. I was borderline homocidal as it was.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Ada said...

But wasn't it fun to unleash your rage on an imbecile?

8:58 AM  
Blogger asiatown77 said...

Yes it was. I'm afraid I may really get into it and become a rageaholic. ADDICTED TO RAGEAHOL!

2:32 PM  

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