Vices we love: I write more letters: An open letter to the guy eyeing me outside the subway station

Friday, September 09, 2005

I write more letters: An open letter to the guy eyeing me outside the subway station

Dear guy eyeing me outside the subway station:

First, let me tell you how flattered I am. It is not often that I am "checked out" so blatantly that I actually take notice, but your transparent oogling was evident, even to myself, despite the fact that I suffer from a mild, and still debilitating combination of autism and agoraphobia, I was still able to notice. There I was, just outside the train station, working up the courage to go into Caliente's (the best and only salsa club in Korea), when I saw you look me up and down. And side to side. You saw me. I saw you. You smiled. I frowned studiously. This was a truly difficult moment for me.

You see, even though I had my ego flattered (stroked!) by your blatant oogling, I am still in no way attracted to men. How could I be? I'm a man. I know what dirtbags we are. As well, I have been preoccupied with thoughts of a specific young lady for some time now. But that is beside the point. The point is, I was flattered, in spite of my disinterest. You not only made (a portion of) my evening, but gave me something to blog about. For this, I thank you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm I always though of two guys getting on hot!

ha ha..

now you know what big breasted women have to deal with.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Ada said...

You forgot the most important part of the entry:

How hot was he?

12:07 PM  
Blogger asiatown77 said...

Great, now I'm thinking about big breasted women.............AGAIN.

adalmin--he was smokin'. Imagine glasses, slicked parted hair, bony arms and no overall shape whatsoever. The kind of guy who plays warcraft twenty hours a day. Damn I should have asked him if he wants to check out Singapore.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Ada said...

You should probably introduce him to a level 32 Elven Sorceress. That'll give him a boner. On top of the one he already has, eyeing you.

8:07 AM  

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