Why I will not visit your cash advance site despite having a charming, captivate, excellent blog
Having been raised in an unstable environment where a new day often meant a new address and Mondays were always exciting because that was when I would find out what my new school was going to be, I tend to look for stability wherever I can find it. My humble blog (which has much to be humble about) is just weeks away from its one-year anniversary (twelve more years before it becomes a man...or woman...or, in Thailand, both.)
In that time I have written numerous entries and, out of sentimental reasons I tend to read over them every now and then. In looking back I find that nearly all have been commented on. The comments, it seems, all stem from a single site, a cash advance blog. Be it St. Louis or Miami, you are never too far from a generous online benefactor who will give you cash at what I can only assume is a 19,000% interest rate. (Their default rate is virtually zero thanks to the Second Amendment's zealous adherents.)
These generous souls praise my blog as being charming, witty, interesting, etc. After an emotionally deprived childhood I am a sucker for compliments but, if I can ask, please be sincere in doling them out. The sincerity test is as follows:
Ask yourself- if I never manage to piggyback my way to illicit wealth via leaving comments on this site extolling asiatown and his virtues, would I still extoll asiatown and his virtues?
To put another spin on another age old philosophical query....
Kudos to the kids at Fear
Spam! I got emailed by a guy called Patbingsoo, which, when googled, refers to a kind of Thai shaved ice dish with beans.
Spam! I got spammed by a crazy old woman throwing cans of it at me a few months ago.
No-one beats me to the punch.
Spam! While kids are starving in Japan!
Spam! Would you like a full frontal lobotomy?
Yes I would actually. I think that's the only way I can make it in life. Feel nothing. Know nothing....ahhh...bliss.
I'll take an emotionbotomy while we're at it.
Nice bloog thanks for posting
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