Vices we love: Albert

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


An ordinary Wednesday...or is it? Nothing is as it seems in the land of the morning calm.

90S: I remember our conversation before White day when we agreed to discuss your past-
A: Maybe some other time. Let's talk about Albert.
90S: Well, if you insist. Who is Albert?
A: He is a nice old guy- hell I don't know if the late 60's counts as old or not. He used to live in my neighborhood in Philadelphia but moved back and he now has a cell phone business here in Seoul.
90S: He sold you your mobile?
A: Yes but then we go to talking about the whole immigrant coming back home experience.
90S: Something you can relate to.
A: Well yes. But what stood out was that he seemed hungry for any sort of companionship. We talk about three, four times a week when I come in his shop for coffee.
90S: A lot of old people are like that- loneliness is very pervasive among the elderly.
A: True. I guess it's hard when all your friends die off and your kids lead their own lives. It kind of scares me.
90S: That's a long way off for you.
A: Yes, I suppose. But I've always been too aware of my own mortality. Life passing me by each day, you know?
90S: As it does for us all.


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