Vices we love: Float like a leaf on the river of life; and kill old lady

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Float like a leaf on the river of life; and kill old lady

First, take a look at the best travel site ever:
My name is Brian and I hate you.

Until recently, Korean public schools were open Monday-Saturday. Now it is only Monday-Friday. You may think the parents welcome a chance to be with their kids. You would be wrong. Newspapers carry story after story of parents who do not know what to do with their kids. There is nothing to do in this country, they wail.

I'm glad to hear this- because it means I'm not the only one going crazy during my downtime. As I mentioned, I only teach about five hours a day. (Ahhh, the perks of student free classes!) This leaves 143 hours a week to kill. Sleeping takes care of 33. And the remaining 110 hours? There are only so many parks, saunas, temples, pool halls, kareoke bars and portions of grilled meat one can aspire to. Since foreigners are viewed as a walking leper colony, human interaction is usually non existent. This is why Buddha created the aptly named DVD Bangs.

Yes, they are what they sound like. Obsessed with maintaining a June Cleaver image, good Korean girls don't go at it in public. (Why not, Lord, why not????) Rather they get together on cheap leather couches inside video parlors. For me, they serve another purpose. Paranoid that I will forget what the language I am paid to teach sounds like when spoken properly, I catch up on my movies in there. Tonights show was the Ladykillers with Tom Hanks. It reminded me that there are people out there other than Koreans. Useful in the hermit kingdom.


Blogger The Boomerang said...

Aah.. so you have discovered the delights of the seedy side of Korea...and have watched possibly ALL the Engrish DVDs in the Bang, including Ladykillers, which like you, I have watched 3 times.

Try DVD rooms with three people (I kink you not), I went there with a Korean and Colombian, the former could speak no English, the latter no English or Korean. We settled on an English movie, with Korean subtitles, with yours truelly translating everything in very bad, but strangely sexy, spanish.

Ai, caramba.

10:59 PM  
Blogger asiatown77 said...

4 people banging?

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention Hooker Hill.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Vivec said...

Did you know that the original Ladykillers was directed by my ancestor? It's a fact!

DORR: Madam, you are addressing a man who is quiet -- and yet not quiet, if I may offer a riddle...

MRS. MUNSON: Well you can see the room, but I don't like double-talk.

Here is what I think - I think I hate you Asiantown77. I think I despise how you are even asking what to do with all that juicy sweet free time. 33 hours of sleep!! Damn you. Damn you.

Just kidding! I don't really hate you, but I am green with envy. I do hate the anonymous poster above me though.

10:28 PM  
Blogger asiatown77 said... should I do? ;)

1:13 AM  
Blogger The Boomerang said...

No, man, we really were watching a movie...

1:16 AM  
Blogger The Boomerang said...

Arnold Governator films are relatively easy to translate if your spanish is as bad as mine

1:18 AM  
Blogger The Boomerang said...

Arnold Governator films are relatively easy to translate if your spanish is as bad as mine

1:18 AM  

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