Vices we love: Ramblings after midnight

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ramblings after midnight

I can't get myself to sleep-mostly because of Dria. Maybe one day I'll write the post of all posts about her (though she is fond of her privacy so maybe I won't. Plus, even after all this time, I have thousands of things I should learn about her.)

I try not to get too close to people- having moved around a fair bit and not really having a place to call home, it's something I didn't really learn how to do. Well that and having a father whose maxim was "I don't give a fuck about your feelings." Words to live by. It's one reason I sort of enjoy living in Korea- nobody knows me and there are no 'norms' that I need to abide by (except to keep up appearances). I can go to work, come home and not make any lasting, emotional contacts which are certain to be broken. Next stop Alaska. I can gut salmon on the slime line. In the winters, work on the great American novel that nobody will read.

I like being the glib 'above it all' sort. And being insanely in love with Dria doesn't really do much for that image- actually, it scares the hell out of me.


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