Vices we love: Things I need to decide

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Things I need to decide

1. Ph.D. To get or not to get, that is the question? I lean to get.

2. To get where? Will American Unis recognize a Ph.D. earned at a European Uni?

3. To get how? Any cool fellowships on the horizon? I'm looking at Linguist List constantly. Should I be pestering others as well?

4. Should I stay or should I go? Benefits of staying: two, yes two consecutive years with a single employer. Agreeable slacker students/admin. Reliable pay and housing. Drawbacks: Imminent brain death. (Can something that has never been alive die? Philosophers take note.)

5. Should I go to...Commenters, fill in the blank. Super-duper job offers appreciated. I'm leaning to Africa, South America, Europe, N. America, Israel or India. Thoughts? Am I limiting myself geographically?

6. Super cool student activities to pass the time while waiting for tuition checks to clear. Where to find some for writing classes?

7. The fate of Peemil. Shall I go to Tasmania to investigate?

That's all for now.


Blogger Rachella said...

From my own observations in academia in the US and the UK, it depends on the country. For example, a French Ph.D. is usually widely recognised, depending on the school, but a Croation PhD may not be.

1:36 AM  
Blogger asiatown77 said...

I had a hunch- what about a Danish or North Irish one? U of Pecs is pretty much out for obvious reasons, tho Pecs is a nice town.

5:15 PM  

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